Dedicated to the memory of those who fought in the 151-156 Parachute Battalion

151/156 Parachute Battalion Association

The association was formed in the 1980’s by surviving members of the battalion, including Col John Waddy. Now, with the veterans having left the drop zone the association continues on by their families, keeping strong the bonds of friendship that was created between the soldiers of the battalion. This site is dedicated to the memory of those who served and fought in the 151-156 Parachute Battalion.

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Newsletter No.3Newletter 3 | January 2022 Produced by John O'Reilly, Rosie Anderson, and Will Stark, this is the third newsletter for the 151/156 Parachute Battalion Association. This edition focuses on our annual reunion at Melton Mowbray in October 2021. You can...

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Newsletter No.2Newletter 2 | January 2020 Produced by John O'Reilly, Rosie Anderson, and Will Stark, this is the second newsletter for the 151/156 Parachute Battalion Association.  This edition focuses solely on the life of Captain Michael Wenner who died on Tuesday...

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Newsletter No.1

Newsletter No.1

Newsletter No.1Newletter 1 | October 2020 Produced by John O'Reilly, Rosie Anderson and Will Stark, this is the first newsletter for the 151/156 Parachute Battalion Association. It was felt that during this rather strange year, a year in which we couldn't have our...

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